
田植えした田んぼの草取り Weeding in a paddy field

2020 4月29日(水) 千葉県袖ケ浦市
黒壁という田んぼのまわりをトラクターで作ったり、代かきという、田んぼをならす作業は前に近所の方がやってくれました。農協で購入した一発肥料を一袋ほどこし、 4月12日、曇り空の日に、近所から分けていただいた8パレットの稲を植えました。


April 29, 2020  Sodegaura City, Chiba
There was a piece of land deserted without any crops.  My husband and his friends decided to use the land as a paddy field.
The area is approximately 400 sq/mt just right size to start our first rice producing.
We have planted seadlings of rice on  April 12, Sunday.  On of our nabour let us use 8 pallet of rice seedlings.
As we are biginners, the seedlings were not planted in straight line, but we are happy that we could finish all by hands.
Most of the firmers plants seedlings using tractors. While we planted 3-4 stalks of rice seedligs in 3 hours, a tractor planted rice seedlings in 1 ha paddy field less than 30 min.
Today, it is sunny, good day to weed in the paddy field, and add some seadlings in some vacant spaces.
Using special rubber boots I bought at JA, Japanese Agricultural Cooperatives, I bravely waded in the mud to weed  and put into one bucket, and add some seadlings from other bucket.
If we are lucky, we are going to harvest 120 Kg  of rice in Autumn.
We continue to monitor the water level and weed a lot until then.

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 11月26日土曜日 雨時々晴 この時期にしては暖かい午後、3週間ぶりに畑で見回りしていたら、3年前に植えたブラッドオレンジに実が付いていました。 袖ヶ浦市の冬はマイナス7度にもなる寒さと強風で一時は枯れかかったのですが、近くの知り合いの竹やぶから竹を切って、風よけになんちゃって...