

2020年5月2日(土) May 2nd  2020
千葉県袖ケ浦市 Ssodegaura, Chiba
キウイフルーツ Kiwi Fruit Tree

Left is male Tomuri kiwi , right female Hayward Kiwi
2017年11月にキウイフルーツ の苗木を購入しました。キウイ棚を2メートルの単管パイプで支柱を組み立て、50センチの穴に鶏糞をいれて、苗を植えました。

In November 2017, I bought a pair of kiwi nursery trees on line, both femail and male.
Two meter single pipes were set up  to support the tree.
On September 9 th early morning 2019, typhoon Faxai ravaged Kanato area including Chiba.
49 km/h gust of wind blew away the support pipes and kiwi trees.
My husband added more support pipes, and now the kiwi trees are slowly growing.
However, the wind from the paddy field in the south is so strong, young kiwi trees are shivering often.  One of our neighbor adviced to me, it is free to take some bamboo trees from the bush, and use it to protect plants. So I carried 5 meter bamboo trees from te bush and cut it as extra support, and thruste  leaves on the south side.
It looks the wind is a bit gentler for kiwi trees now.

キウイの花が咲きました。 Kiwi Male Flower


In middle of May, Kiwi flower bloomed on the male tree.
No flower was found o the female tree, so no kiwi fruits will be expected this year.

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