Tokyo and Kanagawa fallouts
Today, Minister of science and education revealed monitoring result of Tokyo and Kanagawa prefecture. A part of mountain are in Okutama, including highest mountain Kumotori and east part of Tokyo had over 10k Bequrels/ squaremeters. Kanagawa had such levels at islands off Kawasaki city. Perhaps, this is because radio actives has accunulated at the incinerate facility.
Heated discussion on NHK program about nuclear plants. Mr.Tetsuya Iida showed bright future with renewal energy. http://www.nhk.or.jp/genpatsu/
Masashi Goto,former nuclear plant architect explained critical condition of on-going nuclear accident containment.
Whereas,Tadashi Narabayashi, a member of Nuclear Safety Commission, asserted safety of nuclear plant, although the commission is supposed to control plants operation to ensure safety, he promoted persuading people how safe nuclear plants as they were.
Many people expressed their anger against Mr. Narabayashi by twitter.
Masashi Goto,former nuclear plant architect explained critical condition of on-going nuclear accident containment.
Whereas,Tadashi Narabayashi, a member of Nuclear Safety Commission, asserted safety of nuclear plant, although the commission is supposed to control plants operation to ensure safety, he promoted persuading people how safe nuclear plants as they were.
Many people expressed their anger against Mr. Narabayashi by twitter.
投稿 (Atom)
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